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I’d wager I could guess which line from THE ITALIAN JOB is stuck in your head now.

You’re welcome.

Your humble narrator is taking a much-needed vacation, and if I may say so – it’s a trip I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Besides being the longest stretch I have been away from work in my adult life, it’s also more than a year since I’ve been out-of-town. Then add-on the fact that this will be the first time I’m setting foot in Europe, and the fact that Lady Hatter will be along for every step of the way (she and I don’t get to travel together much).

Put it all together and you get one very excited McNeil!

So as if I wasn’t being clear enough, the missus and I are headed to Italy…where the cinematic memories and influences will be abundant. So while I could just hang the ‘ol “Gone Fishin'” sign on the door and talk to y’all in ten…I thought I’d do something a teeny bit different.

So for the next ten days, drop-in as I send back cinematic postcards from Venice, Florence, and Rome. These cities have played host to many incredible movie moments through the years and I figured I’d highlight a few of my favorites while I’m gone.
