9 Replies to “The Good Ol’ Hockey Game

  1. Wahoo! Now our two nations must duel :P. By the way, why does the 5th guy from the left look oddly a lot like Mandy Patinkin? I know he's not in the movie, perhaps it's just the way the picture was taken (or the hairstyle of the time)…..

  2. Heh we already lost one duel handily. My hope is that we at least make a game of it this time!

    – Suzie McHopeSpringsEternal

  3. One of my favorite lines from this movie is completely unacceptable to post here, so I will instead go with something that will get you far more riled up…


  4. @ Univarn… Thank you for giving me a smile at the notion of Mandy Patinkin on skates.

    @ Suzie Q… Ain't no way this will be a repeat of that game. But buckle up baby, it's gonna be one tense afternoon.

    @ Mike… Nothing is unacceptable to post here. Swing away, and enjoy losing tomorrow.

    @ Sasha… Lets Go Canada! (clap clap clap-clap-clap)

  5. Slapshot! Now there's a movie with a great track in its soundtrack.

    "Right back where we started from" – Maxine Nightingale

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