Winter jacket in the closet? (Check). Walking out of work into actual daylight? (Check).Toronto Maple Leafs on the golf course? (Check). Must be spring!! And while I am truly appreciative of budding tulips and chirping robins, the best thing about springtime for me is that it means summer is right around the corner…and all those fun summer movies. So while my list may prove itself predictable, here’s what I’ll be lining up for the fastest…
Top Five Movies I’m Excited About for Summer 2008
#5. WALL*E … I’m pretty much convinced that Pixar can do no wrong, and given how little of their latest offering has been given away in the early going, I’m equally intrigued as I am excited. And is it just me, or does the little guy look like a nuts & bolts relative of E.T. ? (June 27th)
#4. IRON MAN… Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Talk about your inspired bits of casting! What do we think gang:…The next Spider-Man?…or the next Punisher?? The latest Marvel offering has the benefit of being the first heavy hitter out of the gate this summer, so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibilities that it wins the box office race. (May 2)
#3. CHOKE… Heard of it? Didn’t think so. Author Chuck Palahniuk is something of a cult god. He’s the brains behind Fight Club and if you liked the twisted humour and philosophy in that movie/book, then prepare yourself for this delicious follow up. Here are two details to whet your appetite. Our hero, Victor Mancini, fakes choking attacks in restaurants in the hopes of people saving his life…likewise hoping that they subscribe to the notion that if you save someones life, you are responsible for them. Oh, and in his spare time, he likes to frequent meetings for sexual addicts – to get new sexual ideas. See you there (August 28)
#2. THE DARK KNIGHT… Forget about the stigma hanging over this movie with the untimely death of Heath Ledger. Instead focus on the fact that nobody has done as well with the dreary,
gothic, Caped Crusader stories as what Christopher Nolan achieved with BATMAN BEGINS. The buzz, and the clips promise more of the same and I for one can’t wait. I’m sure my excitement will reach a fever pitch when we start getting glimpses of Aaron
Eckhart as Two-Face. (July 18
#1. INDIANA JONES & THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL… Yeah. I know. You’re shocked by such a stunning upset at the top of my list. The adventures of the man in the hat are what summer is all about, and while the fourth installment maybe about ten years overdue, it still looks a hell of a lot of fun. I dare you to listen to that theme music and not get excited. (May 22nd)
Did I forget one? Post a comment and tell me your most buzz-worthy summer movies. Likewise, feel free to make suggestions for next week’s top five.