trailers Beach Boy Blues: ALOHA Trailer There’s the director Crowe was, the director Crowe wants to be, and the director he might well be again.
trailers The Shield and The Sword: KNIGHT OF CUPS Trailer Easy there Malick, pretty soon we’re going to be calling you Woody Allen…
trailers A Miracle Would Happen: THE LAST 5 YEARS Trailer Order your flowers…book the restaurant…and plan to spend Valentine’s Day with Cathy and Jamie.
trailers Our Generation: WHILE WE’RE YOUNG Trailer Getting old sucks, but being young doesn’t seem so hot either.
trailers Wake Up Time – STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer For at least a year, I’ve been saying “Talk to me when there’s a trailer”.
trailers Everyday Robots: EX MACHINA Trailer “I know I’m a successful author, but what I really want to do is direct…”
thoughts & opinions Future Reflections: THE AGE OF ULTRON and Thoughts on Marvel’s Plans Last week I was stoked…this week though…