the decade so far So Far, So Good: ZERO DARK THIRTY What to make of a film about a victory that leaves us feeling at such a loss?
the decade so far So Far, So Good: THE TREE OF LIFE Reflections on summers past, and wondering when a film isn’t just a film?
the decade so far So Far, So Good: HER Sometimes we should fear when science fiction becomes fact; This is not one of those times.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: CAFE DE FLORE Once upon a time, we didn’t choose our music; it chose us.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL What begins as a sweet dessert, turns out to have a great deal of bitter darkness laced in.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: INCEPTION It’s not just about the deep cutts; it’s also about the hits.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: 12 YEARS A SLAVE What began as a glimpse back into our past suddenly became a reflection of our present
the decade so far So Far, So Good: BEFORE MIDNIGHT Maybe you don’t need to see a story every day over twelve years. Maybe checking in every nine will be just as powerful.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: THE SOCIAL NETWORK Points for execution; even more points for immediacy.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: STORIES WE TELL I have docs on the brain, so let’s start looking back, and begin with one of the best docs of the decade so far.