Talkin’ LADY BIRD with Simon Columb.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
Talkin’ KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE with Simon Columb. He and Ryan also read some listener feedback on trash and flip the record over to play the other side.
Reel Insight adds a team member, The Cinecast doubles-down, and Adam Batty underlines the optimistic origins of criticism.
Outside the Envelope returns, Jessica inspires me, and Mya Thuro goes back to the movies on a long weekend filled with family, food, and thanks.
This week Darren reflects on the BFI, Jessica can’t forget a shower scene, and Tyler talks about the great directors and their great works.
Jack iconically said “Wait’ll they get a load-a me”. Well finally, after 23 years, Simon Columb is getting a load of Jack’s Joker, Keaton’s Batman, and Burton’s iconic vision.
Reel Insight is born (again?), Corey begins the process of turning in his citizenship, and Simon takes a look at a Disney classic.
A Festival in London…A Festival in Toronto…and a Momentus Podcast Episode Makes for a Solid Week in The Blogosphere.