Anyone can set off on a journey, but it takes a certain sort of survivor to reach their destination.
Tag: reviews
A memento from our past and a plea for our future, but not as rose-coloured as either era.
It’s amazing what can happen when you pull over and ask for directions.
A song that should be sung with the most intricate of harmonics is curiously only using three chords.
Is it possible to know a total stranger? Is it possible to know ourselves?
What does it take to evoke the spirit of The Coen Brothers without specifically becoming “Coen-esque”?
Once upon a time, a classic story found a way to remind us of a simple life lesson…
What happens when a space opera hits a few sharp notes?
What goes into selling an image – and just how hard is it to destroy that image?
You always hear “I support the troops”. You gotta wonder when they’ll be supported with better filmmaking.
A sign of the times in a portrayal of times gone by.
In the face of great feats of endurance, the question isn’t how our heroes find the strength to endure, but rather why?