You might not always know where it is you’re going, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the walk.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
Talkin’ THE MASTER with guest Jandy Stone Hardesty from The Frame and Row Three. She and Ryan also field some listener feedback on bucket lists, and flip the record over to play the other side.
Paul Thomas Anderson’s tale of faith, rage, and broken spirits is his most audacious story yet…and like many highly audacious stories, it is very complexed.
Last week, I posted a trailer of one of my most anticipated films of the fall. This week, trailers for another of my most anticipated went online
Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail
How high does your mountain of wealth have to grow, before you realize that you couldn’t possibly spend it all in your lifetime?
Last week, watching THE GRADUATE got me wondering about Mike Nicolls. This week, watching IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER for the first time in … Read More ›