Talkin’ SPOTLIGHT with Nick Prigge.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
Eternal Sunshine turns ten, The Chicks are back, and Chris turns up the tunes. Meanwhile, my week makes an about-face.
Huls establishes the pecking order, Stevee wants us to calm down, and Mamo talks Woody. All on a week where I had to say goodbye.
The Chicks get to review a new release, Jandy continues the odyssey, and Calum puts a point on year-end listmaking.
A few thoughts on what’s happening in my city, podcasting awesomeness from Mamo, more podcasting awesomeness from GMan, and more.
Talkin’ RUSH with Nick Prigge. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on autumn films, and flip the record over to play the other side.