reviews, Ryan Recommends CAPTAIN MARVEL Is it possible that we all have it within ourselves to be a hero?
reviews AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR In a world obsessed with spoilers, it’s the spoilers that must be discussed.
reviews THOR: RAGNAROK The God of Thunder has a pretty damned good sense of humour. Who saw that coming?
reviews SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING So it was, that filmmakers decided to counterweight the vast, overblown universe by telling a simple, self-contained story.
trailers Teenage Talk: SPIDER-MAN HOMECOMING Trailer The Webslinger makes his full entry into the MCU…but did he miss his shot?
trailers Splinter – CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Trailer You’ve seen them come together, now watch them fall apart.
thoughts & opinions Future Reflections: THE AGE OF ULTRON and Thoughts on Marvel’s Plans Last week I was stoked…this week though…