Talkin’ BOYHOOD with Andrew James. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on spoilers, and flip the record over to play the other side.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
Talkin’ BOYHOOD with Andrew James. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on spoilers, and flip the record over to play the other side.
Talkin’ OBVIOUS CHILD with Kathleen Bradford. She and Ryan also field listener feedback on the best films about 2014 so far, and flip the record over to play the other side.
Talkin’ HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 with Matthew Brown. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on movie worlds to visit and flip the record over to play the other side.
Talkin’ BLUE RUIN with Alexander Huls. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on summer indies and flip the record over to play the other side.
Talkin’ RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK with Ariel Fisher on The Birthday Episode. She and Ryan also field listener feedback on double-features and flip the record over to play the other side.
Talkin’ THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL with Sam Fragoso. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on Wes Anderson casting and flip the record over to play the other side.
Talkin’ Blind Spots with bloggers from around the world. Mette, Shantanu, Getter, Jason, Dani and Amir all drop by to talk about their first time.
Talkin’ 2013 at the Movies with guests Jason Gorber from Twitch, along with Chandra Hodgson and Lindsay Ragone. Together we close out the year by naming off our top five films.
Talkin’ all-things-movie-goin’ with my friends in honour of 100 Shows. We celebrate our love of film by recounting what we’e seen, where we saw it, and who we watched it with.