Ozu looks at a traditional life, and potentially condemns it as an option.
Tag: foreign film
If boys will be boys, what does it take to grow into a man?
No matter how much we think we are ready for the end, we so seldom are.
Study the ways of the world all you want; the world will still do to you whatever it damned well pleases.
Making assumptions, questioning pure science, and getting assists from remakes. All in one month’s work for a Blindspot entry.
The sensuality and forgiveness of film, as only Antonioni could provide.
Relationship approval from our parents is nothing compared to relationship approval from our children.
When a beautifully captured film depicts people acting terribly selfish.
There’s sex and there’s love. What we find in-between is both ugly and beautiful.
It’s rare that I can say this about a complete film, but “Hey man, nice shot!”
In a family dynamic, subtle gestures can have profound meaning.
Pride. Tragedy. Sheep. Icelandic-style.