trailers Coldest Winter: CAPTAIN AMERICA – WINTER SOLDIER Trailer Anyone else suddenly far more confident in Phase Two?
reviews ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER Four score and seven hours ago, my theatre projectionist brought forth a new round of silliness.
trailers President Dead (ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER Trailer) Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers put forth a call to beware of the undead…
reviews MY WEEK WITH MARILYN Marilyn charms us all – every moment that she is on, and curiously more so when she’s not.
festivals, TIFF, Toronto TIFF Review: TAMARA DREWE This Won’t Make Any Year-End Top Ten’s, But Gosh is It Charming.
reviews AN EDUCATION The point isn’t whether or not one will find themselves at such crossroads – it’s almost mathematical certainty that everyone will at least once. The point is, whether we make the right choice or the wrong, do we learn from it.