blind spot series Blindsided by MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO With a twelve-course meal on-tap for 2015, I decide to start with dessert.
reactions, TIFF THE TALE OF PRINCESS KAGUYA plays TIFF 2014 Takahata breathes new life into an ancient Japanese folk-talk, and leaves us wondering if he is taking a bow in the process.
reviews THE WIND RISES Maestro Miyazaki decides to play one last song, and it’s a tune with tones of home.
watchin' & writin' Big in Japan pt. 5 – Concluding the Anime Syllabus The finish line comes into sight…but those final fifty meters felt like the toughest leg to run.
blogathon, watchin' & writin' Big in Japan pt. 4 – Continuing the Anime Syllabus We approach the clubhouse turn as I experience Studio Ghibli larger-than-life.
watchin' & writin' Big in Japan pt. 3 (Continuing the Anime Syllabus) Shinkai and Takahata bring me back to earth.
listy goodness Big in Japan (Setting The Anime Watchlist) I’ve Been In The dark Long Enough, It’s Time For Me to Step Into The Animated Light.