blind spot series Blindsided by WATERSHIP DOWN Is it wrong that I could really go for a bowl of stew right now?
visuals Monochrome: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST If we strip the colour from a fairy tale, is it possible that it might become even more dream-like?
reviews ZOOTOPIA Sometimes we need a refresher course on what we were taught as children, so we can properly teach it to OUR children.
trailers Connection: ANOMALISA Trailer A rare film about the human need for connection…with nary a human in-sight.
trailers Lizard Life: THE GOOD DINOSAUR Trailer After already tagging one ball into the upper deck, Pixar gets another at-bat.
festivals, reactions, screenings, TIFF ANOMALISA plays TIFF 2015 Nobody does love and introspection quite like Charlie Kauffman