Sexy Back

Y’know, I really do enjoy Entertainment Weekly. I enjoy it so much in fact that I continue to dish out cash for a copy, even when everything in it – and more – is available on their website. Why do I do it? Let’s say five parts habit, three parts loyalty, and two parts financial stupidity.

If there’s one thing EW loves to do, it’s create lists. Pop culture moments, must-own DVD’s, celebrity meltdowns, gross-out flicks. You name it, they list it – and this goes over and above the usual year end ten-best geekery that many others partake in (guilty!).

Their latest endeavour hit stands last week, and it was their 50 Sexiest Movies. Let’s take a moment to examine their creme de la creme…


Before I move on, give me a few words on OUT OF SIGHT. If you haven’t seen it – stop reading right now and get your hands on it. Based on a great book by Elmore Leonard, directed by Stephen Soderbergh, it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s got an amazing cast, some really funny dialogue, and is just gorgeously shot. Many people I’ve met have specifically avoided it because of Jennifer Lopez. Well that’s the great news, it’s one of the very few movies in which Jennifer Lopez doesn’t play Jennifer Lopez (trust me – there’s a difference).


Is it “The Sexiest Movie of All Time”? I’d agree that two of the scenes in the movie are pretty damned hot, but that’s me – and that’s the hitch. “Sexiness” is amazingly subjective, what’s sexy to me might not be sexy to the guy standing next to me. The other time this comes up of course is when we’re discussing humour – what makes you laugh might not make me laugh, and vice versa. My head-scratching with the list goes beyond the gold-medal-spot. There are a lot of titles on here that I wouldn’t classify as “sexy” (much as I loved them…ONCE and LAST OF THE MOHICANS??). Since sexiness is so individually specific, the question must be asked; why make the list? The obvious answer of course is to sell magazines, which indeed worked given the fact that I’m $5.18 lighter.

An old friend used to say that list conversations eventually get too specific to be fun anymore (“Give me your top five latin-born right-handed pitchers not named Pedro”). But with this list, EW has done the opposite – they’ve taken a very generic banner and tried to make a list, but one that I’m still betting would lead to every title on it being called into question. Weird that way that happens isn’t it? For the curious among you, the complete list has been posted after the jump.

1. Out of Sight
2. His Girl Friday
3. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
4. Body Heat
5. Bull Durham
6. Don’t Look Now
7. Y Tu Mama Tambien
8. The Last of the Mohicans
9. A Walk on the Moon
10. Before Sunset
11. Once
12. The Fabulous Baker Boys
13. Shakespeare in Love
14. The Year of Living Dangerously
15. Notorious
16. The Seven Year Itch
17. Mulholland Drive
18. Swimming Pool
19. The Notebook
20. Titanic
21. Basic Instinct
22. Mississippi Masala
23. The Age of Innocence
24. 9 1/2 Weeks
25. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981)
26. The English Patient
27. Unfaithful
28. Love & Basketball
29. Bound
30. Maurice
31. American Gigolo
32. Cruel Intentions
33. She’s Gotta Have It
34. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
35. sex, lies and videotape
36. Ghost
37. In the Mood for Love
38. Secretary
39. The Talented Mr. Ripley
40. The Last Seduction
41. The Bodyguard
42. Little Children
43. Dirty Dancing Sexy?
44. King Kong (1933)
45. The Bridges of Madison County
46. Like Water for Chocolate
47. Kissing Jessica Stein
48. How Stella Got Her Groove Back
49. Yossi & Jagger
50. The 300

3 Replies to “Sexy Back

  1. TOTALLY agree with your post Kurt – that was one of the two scenes I had in mind. The other one was that awesome meet-up when they’re locked together in the trunk…which if memory serves was inspired by a previous movie as well!

  2. I love EW as well, and have subscribed for years, but I take just about ANy of their big lists with a grain of a grain of a grain of salt, and barely do more than browse them. I feel like if I were to get huffy about any aspect of it, then I’m just encouraging them to do more, as a reaction is all that’s desired.

    But I do love me some Out of Sight. 🙂

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