It occured to me the other day, that I almost have my blogging schedule down to a tee, what with three days out of seven being accounted for with regular features. Of course that has diminished the amount of actual writing I do in this space, but that should correct itself soon.

One of those regular features is my Wednesday tradition of posting a good looking trailer. I realized last night that I have fallen somewhat behind in this regard, so I decided to play a bit of catch up today in an attempt to reload this space and get back on track.

So if you please, take a look after the jump to get a look at trailers for THE PRINCE OF PERSIA, GREEN ZONE, a full trailer for AVATAR, and INVICTUS.

2 Replies to “Reload (Trailers for PRINCE OF PERSIA, AVATAR, INVICTUS, and GREEN ZONE)

  1. I wasn't impressed with the Prince of Persia trailer, though I did have to pick my tongue up off the floor when Gemma Arterton came into view.

    The new Avatar trailer makes it look much better, vintage Cameron. Green Zone should just go ahead and change it's name to Jason Bourne Goes to Iraq. Invictus I'm torn on because I so badly want it to be as good as it should be, but I fear it'll ride the cheese train a bit too far.

    Yikes was that enough negative comments? *pets a bunny* there now I put something positive in my post 🙂

  2. Hey Hatter,
    I have an invitation to send you for a special He Shot Cyrus event that's going on soon.

    There wasn't an e-mail link on your profile page so could you send me an e-mail at: so I can sent it over.

    El Gringo

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