matineecast, podcasts Episode 247 – DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA Talkin’ Spike Lee’s new film with Keisha Howerth
matineecast, podcasts Episode 246 – ON THE ROCKS Talkin’ Sofia Coppola’s new film with Hillary Butler
matineecast, podcasts Episode 245 – THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Talkin’ Aaron Sorkin’s new film with Courtney Small
matineecast, podcasts Episode 244 – I’M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS Talkin’ Charlie Kaufman’s new film with Bob Turnbull
festivals, reactions, TIFF SPRING BLOSSOM plays TIFF 2020 A new french director tells a familiar story from a different point of view.
festivals, reactions, TIFF SHADOW IN THE CLOUD plays TIFF 2020 WWII flights over The Pacific were terrifying…and that was BEFORE unexpected passengers tagged along.
festivals, reactions, TIFF BEANS plays TIFF 2020 There’s something especially intense about coming of age during a crisis.
matineecast, podcasts, TIFF Wicked Little Town: TIFF 2020 pt. iii Carolyn Hinds touches base as TIFF 2020 coverage continues.
festivals, reactions, TIFF VIOLATION plays TIFF 2020 A midnight madness selection examines the human capacity for cruelty.