Missed the Boat

Around this time last week, I feigned shock upon hearing that some fellow movie lovers hadn’t seen titles that I consider “essential viewing”. Even today, I was stunned to learn that a fellow cinephile had never seen IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE.

I’m sure in every case, these titles are, as I always say, “on the list”. And in a way, I envy some of my co-horts, because they are yet to experience some mind-blowing movies for the first time. Ah, to go back and do it all again.

Well my friends, today is an even-up. A day to admit my ignorance and shame. That’s right gang, take a look after the jump to discover..
Five Essential Movies That Hatter Has Never Seen
#5. DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944)… One of Hitchcock’s Wilder’s classics (Thanks Bob), a story of murder most foul. Wouldn’t know – never seen it.
#4. RASHOMAN (1950)… I must admit, I am sadly in the dark when it comes to Kurosawa. After SEVEN SAMURAI and RAN I’m lost. I’m sure this movie would be a great place to pick up the trail.
#3. MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON (1939)… Note to self, don’t put on a classic film the day after being up all night. the odds of staying awake while sprawled on the couch are slim to none. My inner idealist is deeply ashamed not to have seen this by now.
#2. SPIRITED AWAY (2002)… Yes…I know…can I move on?
#1. 12 ANGRY MEN (1957)… It’s a brilliant story. It is moviemaking at its simplest and most effective. It’s directed by a man whose work I deeply admire. And yet, I’ve never seen it. I’m sorry…no really…can you stop judging me already?

Alright gang – I know I’m not alone. Leave a comment with “essential” films you’ve never seen, and likewise feel free to leave suggestions for next week’s top five.

19 Replies to “Missed the Boat

  1. Ohhh commenting to this is such a double edged sword. I have to say Rashoman was one of the most amazing films I’ve ever seen – and I only saw it last year so I can’t be too harsh.

    But, 12 Angry Men? Oh Boy.

    Ok, confession time. Ones I’ve not seen:
    Blue Velvet
    Day for Night
    Sunrise (1927)
    Bride of Frankenstein

    I also have a bunch of films I won’t see – regardless of their importance/acclaim. That could be a top 5 suggestion!

  2. You think commenting is a double-edged sword? Try posting it in the first place!

    I’ll get on 12AM, maybe I’ll even be able to see it before the calender turns!

    As for your six, I’ve seen BLUE VELVET and GOODFELLAS (which shocks me most that you haven’t seen). The other four I’m in the same spot as you – never seen ’em!

    What are some movies that you *won’t* see?

  3. Even I have seen 12 Angry Men and I am in no way a guru.
    I’m shocked by this. …

    as for Shannon…

    HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEEN GOODFELLAS?!??!?! I dont know you, but I will lend you my copy.

  4. “Double Indemnity” is actually a Billy Wilder film. He directed it and co-wrote the screenplay with Raymond Chandler. It’s one of my very favourite Film Noirs (the use of shadows and light is remarkable) AND it has Barbara Stanwyck. Her intro scene in the movie is one of the classic entrances right up there with Orson Welles in “The Third Man”.

    Before I shame myself with further classics I haven’t seen, let me also mention “12 Angry Men”. It’s one of my absolute favourite films of all time (it’s usually tied at number 1 with another Lumet film – “Network”). Short of the intro and epilogue, the whole thing takes place in a single room. The story is tight and moves at a great pace and you really feel that all 12 of the men are given ample room to create their characters. Pretty impressive when most movies have a difficult time creating 2 lasting characters.

    “Sunrise” is a gorgeous silent film that is very much like visual poetry. “Spirited Away” has some of the most creative animation I’ve ever seen. And “Rashomon” is indeed a beauty.

    My Top 5:

    1. It’s A Wonderful Life – All right already! I’ll see it this year, I promise!

    2. Lawrence Of Arabia – I keep waiting to see it on the big screen. If there have been opportunities, I always miss them. I think I’ll just have to cave in and watch at home.

    3. On The Waterfront – I’m not sure why I’ve resisted this film…I think it’s a Brando thing, but I expect that once I see it, I’ll have a new appreciation for him. I guess it’s been all the clips and the impressions of him that have taken away some of my desire to see it.

    4. The Searchers – I’m not a big John Wayne fan, but I know I need to get to this film – if only to see if racist accusations aimed at the film have any weight (I doubt they do).

    5. Birth Of A Nation – Speaking of racist…I’ve seen Griffith’s “Broken Blossoms”, but haven’t steeled myself for this one yet. I have to say this one feels more like something I “should” see as opposed to something I want to see…

    And a bonus 5 foreign films I haven’t seen:

    1. La Dolce Vita – No excuse really as I love Fellini and I’ve had the DVD for over a year – but I just have to block off 3 hours for it…

    2. Passion Of Joan Of Arc – Again, no excuse…It looks like a beautiful film. I’m always a bit leary of films with lots of religious overtones as I just don’t have much background in those areas that would help me understand (I loved “Seventh Seal”, but I know a lot of references went whizzing over my head).

    3. L’Avventura – Antonioni sure puts together some great images, but he’s less interested in the actual story. So at 2 1/2 hours, it may be a long haul. Then again, Monica Vitti is in it, so that can’t be bad…

    4. The Apu Trilogy – I have sadly seen nothing by Satyajit Ray. My wife has long mentioned these films and loves the soundtracks from them, so I gotta queue them up at some point.

    5. Scenes From A Marriage – Do I go with the theatrical version or the 5 hour made for TV version? I think it should be the latter, but that’s a lot of Bergman in one sitting…

  5. I’m not a huge fan of gangster/violent films therefore Goodfellas isn’t a huge priority.

    I didn’t so super foreign with my list but I’ve not seen La Dolce Vita or The Apu Trilogy – they go on my next too see list for sure.

    Films I won’t see? Sure:
    Schindler’s List
    A Clockwork Orange
    Forrest Gump

    and I have yet to make it though 2001 – too scary!

    Most of those are due are iconic in terms of film history but I know the will have images/ideas that I don’t want in my brain or would just make my blood boil.

  6. Po… Pipe down and get back to work.

    Bob… Editorial catches on consecutive posts, I should contract you as my proofreader! As for those you haven’t seen I’m quite surprised, with LAWRENCE and WATERFRONT especially. But you’re right – if you can see LAWRENCE on a big screen, it’s actually screening this Sunday at Cinematheque (7pm, AGO).

    Shannon… That totally makes sense, but I must admit seeing FORREST GUMP on that list stuck out for me. What is it about that one that’s a non-starter?

  7. With Forrest Gump I think its how people marvel at how ‘cute’ it is that he’s ‘simple’. It’s like how you’d treat a baby or a pet.

    Someone was watching it once at one place I was living and I just wanted to throw things at the screen every time I walked by. It was quite visceral.. and weird.

    I also tend to be a killjoy for those ‘everyone just *loves* it films’.

  8. I am quite sad that I didn’t get in on this any sooner, but alas, I still have that pesky day job thing and since I wasn’t here yesterday, the working is kicking my nads.

    Okay…. the list of ‘movies I can’t believe I haven’t seen’ is really long and, frankly, embarrassing. Especially for someone who blogs about film and claims to ‘know’ something about them.

    I do not think I can contain it to 5, but here is a few I haven’t seen:

    Clockwork Orange (won’t see it though)
    Citizen Kane (you shut it, I know already)
    Seven Samurai
    It’s a Wonderful Life
    Escape from New York
    12 Angry Men
    Lawrence of Arabia
    Blade Runner (this is the best sleeping medication known to mankind)
    Rear Window
    Dr. Strangelove….

    Should I stop? I should stop…

    And now begins the mocking. All I can say is, I’m working on it. My husband will rarely see anything without space guns and we only have the one TV….

  9. T…

    Yikes…Yikes…and Double Yikes.

    I say you at least ammend the WONDERFUL LIFE omission by going to the screening at The Bloor in two weeks.

  10. I have never seen

    5. Any bond movie, ever.

    4. citizen kane

    3. Taxi Driver

    2. The God Father Part III

    1. Casablanca

    hate me if you must…

  11. I’ll be first to say – I hasn’t seen lots o’ movies – a lots of classics too. Big whoop – it happens. My tastes go more towards the obscure anyway. But in the spirit of sharing…

    Godfather Pt 2
    Blues Brothers
    American Graffiti
    The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
    The Bridge on the River Kwai
    Das Boot
    On the Waterfront
    Singin’ in the Rain
    and yes, It’s a Wonderful Life
    plus many more…

    Gawk and mock all you want… If people run around saying “it’s a classic – see it – see it” I probably lose more interest in it.

  12. Po – Citizen Kane is cool but it’s a lot about innovation in film I think over the film itself. Taxi Driver is good.

    cblaze – Das Boot is awesome! I just caught up with it a few weeks ago. Well worth the 3 (or 3+ ?) hrs

  13. I forgetted to click ’email follow up comments’ so I missed all these.

    I’ll totally add It’s a Wonderful Life to my ‘seen it’ list in two weeks Hatter, provided that I’m in the city. You comin’?

  14. If you know me at all, you know old flicks aren’t my bag. I could fill a page with “classics” that I haven’t seen, so I’ll just say this: of your list, I’ve only seen 12 Angry Men, and it was long ago (in junior or high school, I believe). And I haven’t seen It’s A Wonderful Life, either.

    🙂 🙂

  15. This is all crazy talk – and I love it. I’ve seen #’s 1-3 from your original list, and most of the ones that others have listed save for a couple of really old and foreign ones.

    You might be surprised by Gump, Shannon. I think Forrest does well enough in establishing himself as an independent human. But I love that you’re sticking to your guns about it, and yes, the others you list have left scars on my brain.

    I haven’t seen The Dark Knight. GASP! Am I the only person alive?! According the box office I am. Just kidding, saw it opening night at midnight.

    I haven’t seen The Seven Samurai, Sunset Blvd. (I might be seeing it on Monday, though!), Metropolis, a bunch of Hitchcock and Chaplin films, Mean Streets, Blood Simple, and the list goes on and on. And on…

  16. Top 5 I’ve never seen:

    2001: A Space Odyssey
    Apocalypse Now
    Blade Runner
    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
    Lawrence of Arabia


    Also, I won’t be too worried about seeing Spirited Away. But that’s just my opinion.

  17. 1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
    2. Lawrence of Arabia
    3. Dr. Zhivago
    4. Apocalypse Now
    5. All About Eve

    I'm so ashamed…

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