Quick show of hands – who’s tired of Vince Vaughan?

While I’m interested in giving this film a look (I’m sharing the trailer after all), I’m even more interested in where people stand with certain comedians. It seems like through the years we orbit around a particular funny person for a few years before tiring of them and moving on. This makes sense of course, since only a small handful of comedians have the true wit and insight to allow them any sort of staying power.

Which brings me back to Vaughan.

He’s never been the sort of actor who brings me in every time, but a quick glance at IMDb tells me that it’s been five long years since he was in a film that made me say “I want to see that”. That’s a long time! Where I once enjoyed his bullishness, and his tommygun delivery that could sometimes exhaust me just keeping up, I know wonder if he’s passed his sell-by date.


2 Replies to “Computer Blue – THE INTERNSHIP Trailer

  1. Vince Vaughn isn’t funny anymore. It seems like he’s playing up the same old schtick that we’ve seen so many times. Plus, this film doesn’t give me any hope. Especially since it’s directed by Shawn Levy. A guy I pretty much despise.

  2. Sorry Steve – this comment must have got past me. It’s weird ain’t it, comedians seem to have a really hard time getting any sort of longevity in Hollywood. before they know when to say “when”, we grow tired of their shtick.

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