I Know

It seems like I’m wondering this same question aloud on a monthly basis these days, but please forgive me while I ask it again:

Can somebody please tell me how in the world this movie won the weekend?

Maybe I’m just underestimating the general public’s thirst for all things Nic Cage.

4 Replies to “I Know

  1. Ditto…or at the very least DUPLICITY or a WITCH MOUNTAIN repeat. I’m gonna need someone who saw it to inform me what the heck all the fuss was about.

  2. It’s ridiculous.

    The worst part is, as long as his movies make money, he’s not going to stop making them. Good God. I don’t think I can take it.

  3. I know. I really hope people stop encouraging such silliness sometime soon.

    Oh, and for curiosity’s sake, I looked up the plot outline on a movie spoiler site…..

    …I can’t believe scripts this stupid are still made.

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