Sometimes, life is just background music.
Category: reviews
Only films I see in a theatre get a full-on review. Other titles seen on dvd and the like are covered in the “Reactions” section. My take on spoilers is that they pertain to the crux of the filmgoing experience – so while my posts aren’t what I’d call “spoilerific”, consider yourself warned.
All films are rated from one to four stars.
Caro and Chastain go back to WWII to tell a tale of true beauty and true horror.
Choose to remember. Choose to forget. Choose to know when it’s best to do which.
Even surrounded by the most beautiful material items, life has a way of making us feel truly terrified sometimes.
Tale as old as time, told so shoddily…
In one of the best superhero films yet, we learn heavy is the heart that wields the claws…
Dear White People…
For every brussel sprouts pie, there’s a black and white cupcake
For the women in our lives; a mixtape to appreciate their influence on our stories.
How can we tell if we are doing things right or wrong when nobody answers our questions?
Just how well can the blanks be filled in?
Death has a way of splintering those things for those affected. We all want to make the loss of a person about so much about us, that we lose sight of what that same loss is for others