Sometimes it’s not about who won the battle, but how they won that matters…
Category: reviews
Only films I see in a theatre get a full-on review. Other titles seen on dvd and the like are covered in the “Reactions” section. My take on spoilers is that they pertain to the crux of the filmgoing experience – so while my posts aren’t what I’d call “spoilerific”, consider yourself warned.
All films are rated from one to four stars.
How did we get here?
Don’t get distracted by divine dresses; this is a story of cold calculation.
We all mourn the souls we lose. What if they mourn us back?
The path to love is seldom a straight line.
So it was, that filmmakers decided to counterweight the vast, overblown universe by telling a simple, self-contained story.
True violence comes from the quiet backswing of the blade – not the grunt as it is brought down
The right car, the right song, the right person. What more do you need in life?
The Alien franchise already went looking for God; five years on, it’s time to play God.
How fragile is man’s humanity to man when the plague is knocking at the door
How does one tell the story of a god and make it interesting to us puny humans? How does one take an immortal spirit and an indestructible form and use it to spin a tale that will still captivate?
The smallest things can have the greatest impact on an ordinary life.