When forces of nature collide, it’s best to just stand back and look for cover.
Category: reviews
Only films I see in a theatre get a full-on review. Other titles seen on dvd and the like are covered in the “Reactions” section. My take on spoilers is that they pertain to the crux of the filmgoing experience – so while my posts aren’t what I’d call “spoilerific”, consider yourself warned.
All films are rated from one to four stars.
Living for entire centuries isn’t just flirting with despair and isolation. It’s a goddamned invitation.
Sometimes the human part of a superhuman story is just far more interesting.
There’s what we see, what we want to see, and what we wish we could un-see.
They say it’s better the second time; They say you get to do the weird stuff.
Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things – and the bad things – that may be.
A remarkably grounded entry in Phase Two examines the world we live in, and its balance between freedom and fear.
Who knew there’d be so much to say about three chapters worth of scripture?
We all talk to our own reflections. What happens when the reflection starts talking back?
Now that we’ve replayed the music and relit the lights, it’s time for The Muppets to do what they do so well – get into a crazy conundrum.
Wes Anderson returns with something sweet for audiences to delight in.
Maestro Miyazaki decides to play one last song, and it’s a tune with tones of home.