When legacy and expectations combine to make success a million to one shot.
Category: reviews
Only films I see in a theatre get a full-on review. Other titles seen on dvd and the like are covered in the “Reactions” section. My take on spoilers is that they pertain to the crux of the filmgoing experience – so while my posts aren’t what I’d call “spoilerific”, consider yourself warned.
All films are rated from one to four stars.
Walking through the golden door is sometimes just the beginning. What awaits on the other side is what makes for stories like BROOKLYN.
Why is it we never ask “Who will think of the parents?”
How does a franchise follow one of the greatest chapters in its story? Evidently, by closing the book.
In art, It’s not always important to state the facts. What’s far more interesting is to allow the audience listen to the truth.
Behind a splendid exterior, true darkness can often lay in wait.
The new Steven Spielberg film asks us what is noble, what is evil, and what is somewhere in-between.
Would you endure the first few shaky steps to get to the triumphant final strides?
What happens if as the odds mount, and failure seems imminent, we didn’t quit?
One can spend a long time learning the rules of a game, only then to discover that they have no interest in playing.
Can we choose our armour, and can we choose our role?
These are troubled times, so what better point to look back on previous times that were troubled?