You need to ask: Are you letting yourself be led by fear, or by love?
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
Only films I see in a theatre get a full-on review. Other titles seen on dvd and the like are covered in the “Reactions” section. My take on spoilers is that they pertain to the crux of the filmgoing experience – so while my posts aren’t what I’d call “spoilerific”, consider yourself warned.
All films are rated from one to four stars.
A new gem from Kelly Reichardt paints a picture of wanting just a little in a world that takes a lot.
Should we be afraid of the past? For a lot of us, the past comes riddled with bullying, harm, self-doubt, and anxiety. The world around … Read More ›
When so much of your home changes around you, is it any wonder that it feels less and less like “home”?
The latest DC story reminds us that being a hero isn’t about what you can do, but what you choose to do.