Talkin’ MIDNIGHT SPECIAL with Tim Rideout of The Mind Reels..
Category: podcasts
Talkin’ DAWN OF JUSTICE with Bob Turnbull.
Talkin’ WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT with Jess Rogers.
Talkin’ THE WITCH with Petula Neale.
I take my talents to King East to discuss Ava, Ahluwalia, and Adonis.
Talkin’ HAIL, CAESAR! with Kurt Halfyard.
Talkin’ the 88th Oscar Nominations with Marya E. Gates.
Nine people. Ten films. Many drinks. One table.
Talkin’ 2015 at the Movies with guests Shane McNeil and Rachel West from Cineplex, and Lindsay Ragone. Together we close out the year by naming off our top five films.
The Year-End Episode, music-free.
The children are all nestled all snug in their beds, and while I could sleep, I’ll link to an old post instead…
Talkin’ THE FORCE AWAKENS with Andrew James.