Do people read their own tweets? I ponder that while Mamo and Gman turn on their mics, and The Toasties make some film-related resolutions.
Category: links
A weekly gathering of worthy posts, podcasts, and tweets from around the web.
You can’t spoil the old stuff, you can follow The Kid, and you can’t get me a copy of a certain Toby Jones movie fast enough.
As we prepare to turn the page on 2012, everyone is summarizing what they saw with a list.
As some grey clouds gather I turn to Jamaicans to put me in a good mood, an Australian to tell me about movies I might not have seen, and an American to find out about one of my most anticipated films of the holidays.
Gorber defends 48fps, I start getting into Film Jive, and Jessica inspires me.
Take a look at Leah, think about Joanna and Alex hanging out, and see if we can get #damionanddouglasdoTIFF2013 to catch on.
On the day my neighbours to the south gather to give thanks, Mr. Brown provides another take on HOLY MOTORS, Jess and Rachel see the error of their ways, and Lindsay goes old school.
Corey talks a lot, Alex discusses Wayne White, and Marya gets in touch with her inner Maximus
Reel Insight take a few for the team, Nick takes a walk, and Mettel turns 400.
Andrew has nothing to say, Mamo say things quickly, and Alex says “Ryan will like this”
Row Three Goes to Flyway, Mind Reels goes to After Dark, Ruth comes back from TCFF, and everyone’s favorite Kiwi turns three.