Tank and Fogs can work a mic, Gman parties like it’s 1996, and who knew there was a Batman curse?
Category: links
A weekly gathering of worthy posts, podcasts, and tweets from around the web.
Reel Talk is feeling melancholy, Reel Insight puts another notch in the LOVE, ACTUALLY post, and (Reel) Corey Atad wonders if one moment of brilliance saves many more moments of dreck.
Corey and Greg get their MaMo on, Nick pitches in, and GMan loves the sight of his site.
Andrew gets Interrupted, Leora gets serenaded, and Brown gets introspective.
Rich eulogizes Whitney, Limette gets poetic, and Darren ponders sequelitis.
Simon explores new uses for purple seamless, Jake lays into the lack of MENACE enthusiasm, and CriticalMass manage to get to the same place at the same time.
I create an unofficial sign-up sheet, French Toast lists alternatives, and Alyson feels like she’s riding.
Oscar talk galore, The Forager’s girl-crush, and the return of a long-lost podcast make for a busy week around the blogs.
Matt has found our next hero, The Matinee is reading Cinematic Corner, and The Critical mass is back to full strength.
Sasha relaunches, GMan shakes things up, and MaMos MaMos Everywhere.
Allison plans to see the light in 2012, I take a seat in The Front Room Cinema, and The Void wishes us a Merry New Year
Grab the party hats and the noisemakers, it’s time to start kissing 2011 goodbye.