Sasha’s not getting married, Mettel thinks quality bests quantity, Sean and Aiden release their fourth episode on the masses, and I start getting back to something close to human.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
A weekly gathering of worthy posts, podcasts, and tweets from around the web.
Sasha’s not getting married, Mettel thinks quality bests quantity, Sean and Aiden release their fourth episode on the masses, and I start getting back to something close to human.
Cinema is alive and well (so says Mamo), The Mind Reels turns one and prepares for world domination, and Alex figures out just how he’d woo his own personal Diane Court.
Outside the Envelope returns, Jessica inspires me, and Mya Thuro goes back to the movies on a long weekend filled with family, food, and thanks.
Aiden and Sean start a new podcast, Sam learns two or three important lessons, and Catherine wonders about disappointment.
We get back to looking around the community withTank and Fogs taking their seats in class, Andina taking note of some French style, and new friend of the site Dor taking DVD organization to a whole new level.
I start listening to a new Brit podcast, Jessica is let down by Renoir, and Jake gives Tony Scott a benediction as the many joys of TIFF start to get larger and larger on the horizon.
I turn up on yet another podcast, I find a new site run by two lovely film-lovers, and a critic I look up to has a moment of optimism.
This week Darren reflects on the BFI, Jessica can’t forget a shower scene, and Tyler talks about the great directors and their great works.
Time flies when you’re having fun. This week takes me back to The Row Three Cinecast, gets Mettel wondering about the art of being social, and has Patrick wondering about an alternate Matt Damon movie.
Rachel and Jess go back and cover a classic, The Droid helps us all keep calm and carry on, and Kristin leads the charge for a blogger to cave and get on Twitter.