award talk, matineecast, podcasts Episode 341 – 97TH OSCAR NOMINEES Talkin’ the 97th Oscar Nominations with Marya E. Gates.
award talk, matineecast, podcasts Episode 321 – 96TH OSCAR NOMINEES Talkin’ the 96th Oscar Nominations with Marya E. Gates.
award talk, matineecast, podcasts Episode 301 – 95TH OSCAR NOMINEES Talkin’ the 95th Oscar Nominations with Marya E. Gates.
award talk, matineecast, podcasts Episode 278 – 94TH OSCAR NOMINEES Talkin’ the 94th Oscar Nominations with Marya E. Gates.
award talk, reactions The Contenders: ROMA The Best Picture of the eight films nominated for Best Picture is clear.
award talk, reactions The Contenders: GREEN BOOK The third of three puzzling Best Picture nominees; and one I loathe to admit stands a chance of winning a prize.
award talk, reactions The Contenders: BLACKkKLANSMAN Something of an also ran that should really be leading the run.
award talk, reactions The Contenders: A STAR IS BORN We’re far from the shallow now…a little too far.
award talk, reactions The Contenders: VICE Adam McKay cast a shiny lure out into the waters, and Oscar voters bit down hard.
award talk, reactions The Contenders: BLACK PANTHER The argument can end – a genre now has a Best Picture nomination. That nomination goes to a film that sets itself apart.