It’s officially fall here in Toronto, and from my perspective it certainly feels like it too. There’s that extra snap in the air, trips out the front door now always involve a second to grab one’s coat, and the colours are slowly but surely starting to turn.

Also happening slowly but surely is the arrival of promising titles at the movie theatres. Not that I didn’t enjoy my time spent with LAWLESS and PARANORMAN, but can movie studios just admit that they’ve washed their hands of August and September? Pity really. Oh well, happily we have titles like LOOPER, ARGO and SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS to look forward to in the coming weeks…not to mention all of the special events if you happen to live in my fair city (zombies anyone?).

One quick question for you fine folks before I turn the mic over to my brothers and sisters in arms, Monday night I’ll be recording the next Matineecast, and this episode will be the Thanksgiving special. So do tell:

As a movie fan, what’s something you’re thankful for this year?


For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…


Heard enough MASTER discussion yet? Of course you haven’t! Corey Atad unleashes the long-awaited fourth episode of his podcast with discussion of the divisive Anderson film.

In other podcast news, a new opus has launched this week: Best Movie Ever with Aiden Redmond and Sean Hutchinson. Give a listen to their maiden voyage.

Originally, I was gearing up to see KILLING THEM SOFTLY in just three short weeks. Now some bigwigs in Hollywood have pushed the film back and made me wait twice that long. In the meantime, it has started opening in places like England, where writers like Andy have started posting their reviews.

Down in Texas, Marc has been having a great time at Fantastic Fest. One of these years, I think I’m going to have to make the trip.

I don’t usually highlight the same writer two weeks in a row, but this post caught my eye. During TIFF, I couldn’t help but notice that Sam wrote his review of LOOPER in very short order (two or three hours after the lights came up). This week, he realized not only that he might have been a little hasty in his assessment, but also the value of watching a film a second time.

James Blake Ewing has a few choice words about a choice word: In this case, “masterpiece”

Speaking of masterpieces, there was a great piece written this week about STRANGERS ON A TRAIN at a new site I started following called Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop (Damn. Great blog name!)

The Cinema Enthusiast asks a very simple question: What has been 2012’s most disappointing?

As for the Tweet of The Week…well, there’s this…

[blackbirdpie url=”″]




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