So being sick this week has led me to an amusing moment. As you might know by now, I enjoy falling asleep to a movie playing on my TV (it’s like someone’s telling me a bedtime story). The key part of that statement is “falling asleep”. I deliberately choose movies I’ve seen before because I know how they end and I won’t be tempted to stay up and watch. This little habit kicks into overdrive on occasion when I’m sick, since most of what’s knocked me down so far hasn’t been anything that a lot of rest couldn’t cure.

This week, I put on THE BIG LEBOWSKI, thinking to myself that it would be a great choice to nod off to. Wouldn’t you know it, I never nodded off, and 116 frustrating minutes later I mumbled a flem-filled “fuck” under my breath as I heard the words “The Dude abides.” Frustrating and funny all at once, right?

Well, less funny and more frustrating was what went down the next night when it happened gain!!! This time CAPOTE was the selection from the right-hand shelf of awesome, and once again, I heard every word of it down to its melancholy conclusion.

It’s like the cinematic Gods are punishing me for equating the joys of film with a dose of NyQuil.

Well as I write this, I am yet to turn in for the night, so it’s possible that I’m in for a trifecta, but given the uptick in my condition, I think what was largely hampering my sleep has passed, and thus I’ll get a decent night’s sleep finally. That, or I’m officially tempting fate and massive amounts of frustration.


For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…


Are you listening to Best Movie Ever yet? If not, you should be. Episode Four is up for the taking.

MettelRay has crafted a very interesting piece about the amount of blogs one follows, and whether one can reach a saturation point where much of it becomes noise. A lot of very valid points in this post.

One thing I was really conflicted about last week was that I missed out on the fall programme of Shorts That Are Not Pants. I had concert tickets for the same night, and it was Lindsay’s birthday to boot – but when a friend stages an evening of film, you want to support it. Courtney attended the event (amongst many others) and even put up a review of the shorts programmed.

A lot of people lobbed words at me on Twitter for not liking PITCH PERFECT – though nobody took to my review and disagreed with me on what I thought was wrong with the film (funny how that happens, eh?). Well now Brian J. Roan has my back.

Sam is starting a movie club and wants people’s suggestions for The Quintessentials. For my money, I think the key is balance: Shine a light on the greats without getting too existential or lengthy. Which is to say that while I think 8 1/2 (which Sam named off the top) is a great film, I’m not sure how quickly I’d programme it for (admittedly cinematically versed) high schoolers.

I’ve slowly been working my way through my annual October horror watching. One of the only films I haven’t got my mitts on yet is THE OMEN from 1976. Over at Journeys, Kristen gave it a look recently and it would seem as though I’m in for good things.

My Swedish friend Jessica poses an interesting question: Just how acceptable is it to spread the word of a film’s availability on YouTube?

The Tweet of The Week comes from my good friend Sasha (who’s super influential y’all!). She reminds us all, that no…sometimes people aren’t speaking in code…

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4 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 10 – 18 (Chatter from Other Bloggers)

  1. Thanks for the link love, Ryan. While the shorts were really good, you made the right choice to skip it. Family (especially the wife) always trumps film under those circumstances…or at least that is the rationale I use to avoid sleeping on the couch.


  2. A belated thank you for the linkage Ryan!
    I’m just like you when it comes to falling asleep in front of the TV. I’m very prone to it. 🙁 This is OK when I’m watching something on my own since I can just go back and pick up where I lost it. But in a party… it’s a bit annoying, especially when it’s something you really wanted to see.

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