This gorgeous ball of fur is named Kitt. She has lived with Lindsay longer than I have, and could even be heard in the background of The Matineecast from time to time.
I bring her up now because she passed away this week.
She hasn’t been feeling well since the turn of the calendar, and her health really took a dive over the last three weeks. However, there were small mercies that lined the situation, which is to say that Kitt passed away peacefully at home, with Lindsay petting her as she slipped away.
I’m going to miss that cat. We adopted her to help someone out of a pinch and she became as loyal a pet and as comforting a presence as one could ever want. As she grew tubbier, it became quietly amusing to me to watch her try to jump or sit down…an amusement I gather she sensed, as she usually responded to my sniggers by casting me a dirty look.
Letting her go has been tough for Lindsay and I, so I hope you don’t mind me diverting from the movie chatter for a few paragraphs to say goodbye to my fuzzy little friend.
For your listening and reading fulfilment, I give you…
The Mamo boys have a long and intricate conversation about the situation between Dylan Farrow and Woody Allen. As usual for these gents, it’s a fascinating listen.
Sam McCosh’s wonderful soapbox – An Online Universe – turned two years old this week. She celebrated by booking a trip to a small canadian town this coming September.
If you ask me, by far the best thing playing in (certain) cinemas right now is THE GREAT BEAUTY. Mr Prigge doesn’t entirely agree, but he certainly believes it’s worth a look.
In some ways, it feels like 2014 has offered us very little so far. Fear not though – So is here to remind you that great things are coming in 2014.
I will never tire of posts like these from Alex Withrow – this time out, he’s taking on MAGNOLIA.
While I like Leonardo DiCaprio as much as the next chap, I’ve long been puzzled over the angst bubbling about him being “overdue” for an Oscar. A rather big fan of his – Miss Stevee Taylor – agrees and has penned this nifty piece that could be subtitled “Calm the fuck down, people”.
Over at The Mezzanine, Zac goes (somewhat) out on a limb and extolls the virtues of Oscar lauding ten Best Picture nominees.
As for a Tweet of The Week, I look to Alex Huls – who had some very kind and supportive things to say about this space when last I spoke with him at the recent Toronto Movie Bloggers Pub Night. Last week, he hit the nail on the head:
THE APARTMENT is better than all of us.
— Alexander Huls (@alxhuls) January 30, 2014
Appreciate the linkage, sir. I worked a long time on that review because there was so, so much swimming through my head after that screening. Already looking forward to the re-watch because I imagine it will only open up more.
And condolences on Kitt. Pet passings are the worst.
Thanks for the kind words, mate.
I haven’t seen BEAUTY since TIFF, so I *do* want to revisit it – especially with so little else playing. Maybe I’ll even get up the nerve to post a full-fledged review!
Big hugs to Lindsay and yourself and condolences for the loss of Kitt. Whenever I learn of anyone losing a cat, I just can’t stop the waterworks. That’s twice you’ve made me cry this week McNeil, and I generally don’t…
I’m really not trying to!
You can get me back by kicking me in the shin when you get here for TIFF.
Awww <3 I was honored to have had many opportunities to meet such an incredible ball of fluff. 😀
Thanks buddy – she was a pretty cool kitty, wasn’t she?