Dear Santa…

I know I’m a little late in writing this year, but the trusty people at the post office told me that if I got my letter in this morning, that there’s a chance you might get it before Christmas Eve. So here goes nothing.

I haven’t been the best boy this year. I’ve been grumpy, I’ve been snobby, I’ve been antagonistic even. I’m not sure I really should be getting anything this year. You should teach me a lesson by leaving nothing in my stocking but a lump of coal and a full-screen copy of SUCKER PUNCH on dvd.

But if I may impress upon you, there’s something that has kept me from being an even worse twerp this year, and that’s my friends. They’ve spent precious hours with me talking endlessly about the movies we all see. They have given me incredible motivation and wonderful company. Even when they’re wrong…even more so when I’m wrong! They are, in short, the best gift a guy could want.

If I haven’t turned them off with my sappiness, and if I haven’t lost you already with my chattiness, I’m hoping you can make a bit of extra room in your sleigh for a few more gifts.

So before you dash-away-dash-away, I ask of you…

For Simon, who could not possibly have been a better podcasting co-host. He made twelve weeks worth of extra work a complete joy. Give him the complete set of TinTin books.

For Sasha, who has been a better friend than I deserve, who was virtually adopted by my entire family, and who helped me fine tune this site. Give her a Nintendo Wii.

For Sam, whose enthusiasm for film and blogging gives me continual shots of adrenaline thanks to his undying enthusiasm and genuine passion. Give him a shiny new bike.

For Alex, who proved a person’s online persona can sometimes give you just a glimmer of their real-life personality, charm, and creative energy. Give her the biggest box of crayons Crayola makes.

For Joel, Lesya, Andy, Stevee, Andrew, and Nikhat who give me a huge charge out of having an international audience and giving me just the smallest window to the world at large. Give them all hockey sticks.

For Andrew James, Matt Price and Matt Brown, who all do different things with their podcasts and continue to entertain me as they push me to make mine better. Give all three hoverboards.

For Rachel and Jess, who have slowly become two of the very best online friends I have – both of whom I hope to finally meet face-to-face someday. They’re great gals both, give them a set of rock ’em sock ’em robots.

For Steve, who came to town and became a far better friend than I anticipated. This site couldn’t have launched without him, and I still owe him big for helping me. Give him aย Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle.

For The Franklies, who prove to me that a mutual love of movies is essential to making a loving marriage work. Give them a Play-Dough Fun Factory.

For Bob, Shannon, James, and Kurt who all helped me make so many more local friends with their starting and continuing of the monthly meet-up of movie-loving louts. Give them all G.I. Joe Aircraft carriers.

For every other blogger and podcaster I havenโ€™t mentioned by name, any blu-ray or dvd of their choosing. Movies are what brought them into my life โ€“ both real and virtual.

Last but not least, for Lindsay. She doesn’t only endure this geeky little habit of mine, she actually encourages it. She is the epitome of patience and support, and the best gift a nerd like me ever could have asked for. Give her a puppy.



13 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 12 – 22 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

  1. Trivia: Did you know Hockey is the national sport of India?

    Anyways, aww thanks Ryan ๐Ÿ˜€ I shall treasure this hockey stick, whenever Santa gets it, and I shall hang it on my wall (mostly because I don’t know how to use it as I don’t do sports) next to my Drive poster.

  2. No no no, thank *you* for inspiring me this year! But thanks for the hockey stick. It can go with the other hockey stick that has been sitting behind the Lotto counter at work for the past three years. So should anyone say that Sucker Punch is a good movie, I now have two weapons.

    And I hope you don’t get Sucker Punch for Christmas. The lump of coal is okay, but Sucker Punch? Not even the worst person in the world deserves that.

    Have a good Christmas, Ryan ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Aww wow! Thanks for the hockey stick Ryan. I want to give a shout out to you as well. When I first stopped by The Dark of the Matinee earlier in the year I remember thinking: “Wow, this is a great blog” and I thought if I could get mine remotely close to that calibre then I was content I was doing something right. Your new site is fantastic, your reviews are brilliant and the Matineecast is always a great listen. You have been a massive inspiration. Hope you and Lindsay have a great Christmas and New Year!

  4. Awwwwwww I hope all of these lovely people get what they want and that Santa gives YOU a hundred baseball caps! Thank you for the kind words, and have a great holiday!

  5. Thanks for the link. Funnily enough, Sarah’s already got (through years of presents from me) all the comics. I think your Lindsay should have a copy – and thus appreciate the Tintin franchise.

    Also, you too Sir on the podcasting! Only a matter of time before the stars will align for round two…

  6. Hope you have yourself happy holidays Ryan 1.0 (testing this out as clearly with all the Ryans popping up on the net we need a system of separation) and hope you get everything you want!

  7. Thanks much… I remember as a young boy one year getting a hockey puck from my grandfather which was from a team in Finland (the homeland of my grandmother)… never played hockey; never watched hockey and thanks to that I’m sure I share the view of it’s general violent nature of any ignorant Hockey person… so ye… I’ll go whack someone in the head with that stick happily…

    Maybe some tween on her blackberry in the theatre next time I’m there ๐Ÿ™‚

    Merry Christmas to you and your fam.

  8. Thanks for thinking of me in your written letter to Santa. Alas Santa didn’t bring me a Hover Board. Which would’ve been the greatest gift like eva! But I did receive a new microphone for the podcast, so that should help with the popping and static that has plagued us the last couple of episodes.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Hatter! Long live The Matinee!!!!

  9. I hope by wishing for us to have a set of Rock โ€˜em Sock โ€˜em Robots, you weren’t referring to this year’s Real Steel ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hope you had lovely Christmas!

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