So where was I…

Before subjecting myself to an average of two movies a day for a week and a half, and setting myself up for an insane amount of reviews to be written, I was posting on a humble movie blog. I’m glad that I’ll be able to get it running normally again soon, and likewise that I have now been able to return to reading other people’s blogs. I tried to skim during the fest, but actually immersing myself in what the rest of the community was doing was difficult, and following any sort of comment thread was impossible.

And y’know what folks? I missed it! Like Lady Hatter’s delicious apple pie in that photo above, reading what everyone else is up to is one of the things I love most in life. And like the pie, I’ll take great comfort in getting another taste.

Expect these to drop on Thursdays every now and then through the fall. For your reading enjoyment, I give you…

I got a mention on Some Cast It Hot…so y’know…that’s cool.

Speaking of podcasts, since so freakin’ many of you have listened to my episode with Marc from Go, See Talk…perhaps you’d be interested in checking out this post he’s done on ten awesome movie scenes.

Dude – The Magic Lantern hit its 100th post. However there’s rumours of steroid use, so the post might have to come with an asterisk.

I might be seeing EASY A this weekend, which Castor suggests is a solid B.

Another film that drops this weekend is NEVER LET ME GO. While I work on my full length review from TIFF, take a peek at what Ness thought.

Shockingly, Fletch watched a classic film and had it live up to his expectations. (Not to the cabin’d one – there are no additional endings, all the extra footage for the redux comes well before the conclusion).

The Groovers and The Mobsters are at it again, this time they’re talking up lockup flicks.
