Everybody’s Talkin’ 7-20 (Chatter from Fellow Bloggers)

After seeing a fwe more screenings than usual over the last ten days, I find myself a tad bleary eyed again.

Turning the mic over to some of my fellow bloggers and start yet another feature on this humble space worked out pretty well two weeks ago. I think it’s time to give it another go. Many of these pieces have been linked over in my sidebar for the past few days, but I thought I’d point a big neon arrow towards them.

So, for your reading fulfillment I give you…

In honour of the 50th 40th anniversary of the lunar landing today, Cinema Viewfinder took another look at THE RIGHT STUFF.

Film Forager re-watched BETTER OFF DEAD recently, an 80’s teen comedy I actually dig (there aren’t all that many).

The Flick Chick has posted a review of MOON, a movie I’ve anxiously been wanting to see (maybe this weekend?).

And my good pal C Diddle muses what is actually lost when a movie is descriped as “Too Predictable”.


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