Everybody’s Talkin’ 6 – 11 (Chatter from Other Bloggers)

Somebody needs to explain to me why this week felt so long despite me only spending three days at the office. Hopefully today will fly, especially with all the fun I have to look forward to next week. Along with recording the next Matineecast this weekend, I’m also hoping to catch two movies. Once all that’s settled, I have NXNE to look forward to next week!

Hopefully you fine folks will drop by and see what I’ve been watching. I can tell you in advance that a lot of what I’ll be writing about is either already on dvd, or will be very soon.

In other news, give me your opinion. I’m looking at finally getting my hands on a domain name, but am struggling with what I’d want to go with. “thedarkofthematinee.com” seems a tad too wordy…but simply “darkmatinee.com” seems like broken english.


While I ponder that, here’s some other awesomeness happening in the blogs these days. For your reading fulfillment, I give you…

Did you know that Scott from He Shot Cyrus started co-hosting a podcast with his wife. It’s awesome stuff too! Here’s the iTunes feed.

Along with THE A-TEAM, I’m hoping this weekend allows me enough time to get out and see SPLICE. Simon from Four of Them saw it recently – here’s his thoughts on it.

Then there’s Aiden who wrote about one of my all-time faves this week – OUT OF SIGHT.

Heh…the Movie Mistress has a delightful collection of movie moments set in the loo.

If that isn’t enough listy goodness for you, Danny King ponders what the best shot film of the last decade was.

Oh – and Flixchatter turned one year old this week. Now everybody form a line, and we’ll send rtm through the paddywhack machine.


17 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 6 – 11 (Chatter from Other Bloggers)

  1. Hey now! Thanks for the plug, homey. Glad we have that special movie bond going for us. Will you adopt me?

    And as far as the URL goes, how about dotm.com?

  2. I like just:

    DarkoftheMatinee.com it's not too long (just drop the "the" from yours). It's only a couple clicks longer than Rotten Tomatoes. Of course you could always try and go with something like DotM or the matinee (but I think it's).

    I've been thinking of getting one, but I'm afraid lifeinequinox is too long, and not very descriptive, so I know what you mean.

  3. Paid Flix a visit and fell in love with The Mistresses ten toilet moments. She really nailed it.

    I always go to Get Shorty but I know that's a personal favorite of mine and Denis Farina yelling: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK while pulling his pants up is hysterical.

    Brilliant work as usual Hatter.


    Congrats, man. You earned it. The Matineecast fucking RULES!

  5. Thanks for the shout-out, Hatter, not sure about the paddywhack machine though 🙁

    I've been on a conference 3 days this week but the last two days felt like forever, plus I'm trying to keep my head above water to keep up with workload. So TGIF!

    As for your site name, I like mcneilmatinee.com, too, it has a nice ring to it.

  6. First off, thanks for the plug! New episode up today!
    Second, CONGRATULATIONS ON WINNING THE LAMMY! It is well deserved!

  7. @ Aiden… Anytime man. And given how much you enjoy the podcast, perhaps you'd like to be a future guest?

    @ Univarn… Might be a suggestion worth running with. And if yours is too long, what does that say about mine?

    @ Heather… Heh, I love it that you call my weekly collection of other people's efforts "brilliant work".

    I think my favorite scene in the john might have to be Jimmy Rabbit faking his own interview in the bathtub in THE COMMITMENTS.

    (Thanks for the congrats!)

    @ Movienut… Not my favorite (sometimes I wish I didn't choose that as what I already have!). But you're right – if I kept it, at least it's succint.

    @ Vancetastic… See that's just unfairly misleading. Funny thing too, given how often he/she notes that he/she misses the E-T cut every Friday.

    @ Yojimbo… A "dame"?? Who is she…Judi Dench???

    @ Castor… Muchos gracias amigo.

    @ RTM… Paddywhack machine oughta have you feeling right as rain in no time!

  8. No love for my Man Crush list, huh? haha… that's okay. We made freshly pressed… Booyah! 🙂
    What is Cyrus' podcast called? I couldn't access the link.
    Today's verification word: inoni
    As in: Inoni was fantastic in Mystic Pizza!

  9. Thanks for the link!

    I actually bought a domain name recently as I am planning a new layout for my website. It is tough to come up with a succinct one for your title, but it isn't the end of the world to get more than one and choose later. I think I ended up buying two or three.

  10. @ Elgringo… Merci! I'm partway through listening to your second episode, and can finish listening to it now that I've seen SPLICE.

    @ Kaiderman… It was a tough week, what can I say. I'll try and get ya into E-T next Friday is you put up something good this week (no pressure!) Cyrus' podcast is called "Frankly My Dear", you should be able to search it out.

    @ Danny… Interesting. And you're quite welcome for the link love.

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