Alright…things should start getting back to normal around here. No more writing posts three and four days in advance. No more three week stretches without any new releases (or one week stretches without any new movies period). No more months where I cocoon myself and don’t spend any time reading about what everyone else is doing!

Oh, and for those who were wondering – my dvd collection and Lady hatter’s dvd collection are still yet to merge…though I am wavering. The shelves are side by side now, at least that’s a step.

For your reading fulfillment, I give you…

A film that continues to elude me is ANIMAL KINGDOM. Stevee at Cinematic Paradox saw it recently and took quite a shining to it!

Reel Insight was one for the ages this week – and not because I managed to win October’s Quotable Quotes. This one is double your pleasure with twice the usual runtime, and Rachel admits to never having seen a modern essential.

Nick wants to tackle the gaps in his watched list. Help him out with suggestions, won’t you?

Rachel The Film Girl celebrates (or mourns, depending on your politics) this week’s mid-term elections by listing off ten great films about elections.

Want more listy goodness? GMan has you covered with 50 great cinematic deaths.

As I mentioned during the last Matineecast, RINGU gives me the creeps. Well Ross and Ross are arguing over which version of the story – english versus Japanese – is better.
