Daddy Sang Bass (My Dad’s Top Five Movies)

That determined young lad on the right is me, and the big guy on the right is my dad, Ken. This has always been one of my favorite photographs of the two of us, and it was actually printed in a local newspaper back when I was knee-high to a grasshopper…well, waist high to my dad at least.

My dad is a fun case when it comes to his taste in movies. He likes some really good ones, but isn’t above watching something silly like ROOKIE OF THE YEAR just because it happens to be on TV.

My dad has told me a lot of stories about movies he’s gone to see growing up. Like the time he’d go to all night marathons with his buddies and throw candy at the screen during a love scene. Or the time he and my mom saw A CLOCKWORK ORANGE on a date and my mom completely hated it. The guy might not be quite the movie geek that his kids have turned into, but it’s certainly fair to say that the apples haven’t fallen far from the tree.

Thus, today is my Dad’s turn. A few weeks ago at Sunday dinner I asked my Dad to rhyme off some of his favorite films, and these were the five that stuck out for me. Do take a look after the jump to see…

My Dad’s Top Five Movies

AMERICAN GRAFFITI (1973)… Note: My dad didn’t rank ’em, so they’ll appear in order that best suits what I want to say about the big guy.

This one was a gimme, since I’ve long known that it’s far and away dad’s favorite. It’s actually fitting, since three of the key points of the movie – rock & roll, mischief, and cars – could easily sum up a lot of what my dad is about. This movie had to be at the top of the list for one simple reason; my dad’s favorite scene. Early on in the movie is a moment when Ron Howard couples a chain to the rear axle of a police cruiser. The resulting bit of automotive slapstick makes my dad howl with laughter every time – you’d actually swear it was the first time he was seeing the gag. Such enthusiasm is underrated.

THE DIRTY DOZEN (1967)… My dad has a thing for war movies, which you’ll notice as this list goes on. Once again, the humour in it appeals to him (“Where you from son?” “Madison City Missouri, sir!” “Never heard of it.”), but I have a hunch the theme of teamwork speaks to him too. Dad’s always been the sort to take pride in his work and go the extra mile to earn his keep. Oh, and he’s not above cheating to win a game of Capture the Flag either.

ROMAN HOLIDAY (1953)… ‘One of these things is not like the others / One of these things just doesn’t belong’…At first when dad mentioned this love story in amongst a bunch of comedies and action flicks, I was surprised. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. See on the outside, dad looks like your usual beer-drinkin’, steak eatin’, hockey watchin’ guy – but inside he’s a big softie. Thus, his inner romantic probably can’t resist this classic. I could tease the guy for choosing a love story, but his romantic gestures to my mom actually taught me well. So let’s move on.

SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1998)… Hearing my dad mention this one actually brought a big smile to my face, because it’s actually on my own top five! I guess it’s apropos that we went to see it on the big screen together, something that I truly enjoy doing but don’t do often enough. What I’m trying to say is that I’m really close with my dad, but something inside my movie geek heart felt that much closer knowing that we had a favorite movie in common. There was only one movie my dad mentioned that was more fitting than this…

THE GREAT ESCAPE (1963)… Seems like a pretty straight forward “dad movie” right? So why all the fuss that my dad mentioned it as one of his all time faves? For the truly cool fact that my mom also mentioned it in her top five. My folks have been together for thirty four years, and with cinematic harmony like that, is it any wonder?? Both of them did an awesome job raising me, and I have to believe it’s because they were truly meant to be together in ways that are more and more rare these days. Having a favorite movie in common may seem like a minor detail to some, but to a movie geek like me it speaks volumes. I’m getting married in just under four months, and I can only hope to be as good as husband as my dad has been to my mom. Thanks dad – you’ve taught me a lot!

Once again, I’m curious – Please ask your dads about the movies they love, and leave comments with your dad’s top five movies, along with suggestions for the next top five.

5 Replies to “Daddy Sang Bass (My Dad’s Top Five Movies)

  1. Oh snap. Your dad has good taste. I'm waiting for my dad to respond to my email, but I'm guessing his five favorites are probably the first five Dirty Hairy movies.

  2. An excellent idea. I'll have to try to remember to ask my pappy on Father's Day. He's not terribly into movies (I think he just sees whatever my mom drags him to), so I'm curious to see what he ranks as his top five. Probably the first five recent ones he can remember…

  3. Wow. I love that your Dad loves Roman Holiday. Snaps for the SNAG.

    My Dad's no longer with us but he had a lot of time for ET, Rocky, The Battle of Britain, and Bridge on the River Kwai.

    Lovely post, Hatter. Thanks.

  4. Alright, I had homework and I actually remembered to do it.

    Asked my dad what his top 5 films were. An eclectic mix; as I said before, he's not the biggest of movie fans, and I knew he wouldn't have tremendous recall, but here's his list, in no order:

    * Picnic
    * The Shawshank Redemption
    * The Cider House Rules
    * 2 Days in Paris
    * The Birds

  5. @ Fletch… PICNIC! Holy crap, another dad who has a soft spot for the romantic movies!!

    The things our fathers don't tell us…

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