I’m all over the place, Andrew likes idiots, Nik turns five, and Monika is fed up with toxicity.
Author: Ryan McNeil
What we hold can sometimes say a lot about who we are.
Hey cool! It’s time for anoth – ….what the hell?
Time to party like it’s 1995…
The Toronto filmgoing community puts one more checkmark in Linklater’s 12-year-opus
Some are quitting smoking, some are losing weight. This is what I have in mind for the next year…and beyond…
Alright…let’s blow this pop stand…
Lists, Lists, and More Lists!
What a year! Dragons, Crawlers, Mommys, Lovers, Hotels, Birds, Boys, Babadooks, and so much other cinematic bliss.
Talkin’ 2014 at the Movies with guests Corey Pierce from Row Three and Nicole Bontoft and Lindsay Ragone. Together we close out the year by naming off our top five films.
The Year-End Episode, music-free.
They say a picture say a thousand words. Here’s twenty five thousand about the films of 2014.