A genre-bending story of beauty, isolation, and poverty that dances to its own rhythm.
Author: Ryan McNeil
Blessed are the Buddhists, for they will make for splendid nonfiction viewing.
A portrait of one woman; Who she once was, who she thinks she is, and what she might never be again.
Dim the lights and turn the stereo up.
Trying to do two things at once and expecting to do justice to both.
Any chance Sinead O’Connor and Ashlee Simpson were available for comment?
Is it possible to know a total stranger? Is it possible to know ourselves?
A few titles, and a lot of thoughts on what might be Marvel’s best work so far.
While I read up a storm, Simon rebrands, Thought Bubble talks Hornhead, and Carp criticizes.
The Force Awakens while the Hollywood marketing machine hits the snooze button
Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld…So I can sigh eternally
Points for execution; even more points for immediacy.