It’s only a dream…it’s only a dream…it’s only a dream…
Author: Ryan McNeil
Talkin’ ‘EX MACHINA with Corey Pierce. He and Ryan flip the record over to play the other side, and launch a whole new feature of the show.
Mankind’s fascination with AI suggests a death wish, leaving us to ask ourselves how we actually want to go.
Time to play catch-up…
Super Zero gets to the mountaintop, Kurt and Andrew break bread, Kristina finds the Dodo, and Sam reconsiders shaming.
Maybe you don’t need to see a story every day over twelve years. Maybe checking in every nine will be just as powerful.
Which Woody Will We Watch?
I’m rather happy that there are films like this to give me a break from all the cinematic cheeseburgers I’ll be eating this summer.
A song that should be sung with the most intricate of harmonics is curiously only using three chords.
Sometimes a moment in history is so transcendent, it must be documented immediately.
Argue amongst youselves what is and isn’t moral. The bigger question is whether we can go to watch wrestling on Sunday night.
Every now and then, for better and for worse, the most talented among us must wonder how they got to where they are.