the watchlist Days of The Week (Films Watched June 27 – July 3) A low total this week, and a thought that I might be looking at a new world order.
links Everybody’s Talkin’ 7 – 3 (Chatter from Other Bloggers) Summing up the first six months, and finding new people to follow for the next six.
trailers Border Song: SICARIO Trailer Another hometown hero is about to be called up to the big leagues.
matineecast, podcasts Episode 140 – INSIDE OUT Talkin’ INSIDE OUT with Jim Laczkowski. He and Ryan flip the record over to play the other side, and go further down the spiral.
the decade so far So Far, So Good: THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL What begins as a sweet dessert, turns out to have a great deal of bitter darkness laced in.
reviews INSIDE OUT We are a composite of everything we’ve already gone through; every feeling we’ve already felt.
links Everybody’s Talkin’ 6 – 19 (Chatter from Other Bloggers) Some reviews, some milestones, and some missing mojo…including my own.