Talkin’ THE FORCE AWAKENS with Andrew James.
Author: Ryan McNeil
Turns out a lot has happened since The Death Star blew up again…
A busy-ish week signals the end of a not-so-busy-ish year.
Seems like just yesterday we were all super excited to be going back to this franchise. Now though?
A little bit more focus, but still more questions than answers as the awards season heats up.
Great art can give the viewer so much to see; the question is where and how does one look?
Looking for moments of perfection in various pieces of imperfection.
Great beauty and great clarity can come by way of just one special person.
Time for Spielberg’s stories about restless and isolated boys to take a back seat for a moment.
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall find themselves at the heart of a truly incredible story.
Talkin’ BEASTS OF NO NATION with Andrew Robinson.
Time to close the book, and not a moment too soon.