the watchlist Days of The Week (Films Watched March 19 – 25) I shouldn’t have needed a reason for BRIGHT STAR, but I got one.
the watchlist Days of The Week (Films Watched March 12 – 18) The #52 brings me to its most macho selection so far…
matineecast, podcasts Episode 154 – WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT Talkin’ WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT with Jess Rogers.
reviews ZOOTOPIA Sometimes we need a refresher course on what we were taught as children, so we can properly teach it to OUR children.
the watchlist Days of The Week (Films Watched March 5 – 11) Seriously, is there anything Tilda Swinton can’t do?
reviews WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT Sometimes when we run away from things, we run to some pretty strange places.
the watchlist Days of The Week (Films Watched February 27 – March 4) A trip back home to Canada takes me on a trip to India.