It’s deeply fitting that on a week where I give thanks, my #52 brings me to Ava DuVernay
Author: Ryan McNeil
When foreign directors “go Hollywood”, the results aren’t always great…sometimes though…
If you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise;
If you go down in the woods today, you’d better go in disguise
Talkin’ HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE with Katie Hogan of She Likes Movies.
A lot of re-watches, a Netflix show, and a thought on pulling punches.
At the intersection of form, function, fury, and family, one fashionista frames her foes.
Some things never change, even a century later.
Seen anything good lately?
Thoughts on dedicating TIFF 2016 to The Female Perspective
Andrew and Douglas join me at The Fox as TIFF 2016 coverage concludes.
If boys will be boys, what does it take to grow into a man?
No matter how much we think we are ready for the end, we so seldom are.