On the eve of my final Blind Spot for the year, I reflect on all of the various new experiences I had with film over the last twelve months.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
On the eve of my final Blind Spot for the year, I reflect on all of the various new experiences I had with film over the last twelve months.
Perhaps the allure of folk music is the quiet comfort in hearing about characters who have it worse than us.
I might have taken my final trip to the multiplex for the year. If that’s the case, I have a few thoughts on what I saw while I was there.
We all want a taste of the finer things. Few are willing to work for it; many are willing to hustle for it.
Timing is everything. Break too early, and you’re an afterthought, break too late, and you miss your chance. What will happen as Scorsese and The Coens begin to break this week?