With one week to go, things at the top are crystal clear, things in the middle are clear-ish, and things for LLEWYN DAVIS are clearly bad.
Cinematic Passion & Perspective
With one week to go, things at the top are crystal clear, things in the middle are clear-ish, and things for LLEWYN DAVIS are clearly bad.
Talkin’ THE WOLF OF WALL STREET with Shane McNeil. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on anticipated 2014 films and flip the record over to play the other side.
What to do when something moving and nuanced is counterweighted with heavy-handedness and caricature?
Talkin’ 2013 at the Movies with guests Jason Gorber from Twitch, along with Chandra Hodgson and Lindsay Ragone. Together we close out the year by naming off our top five films.