trailers Brain Stew: THE SIGNAL Trailer There’s more love to be spread around as director William Eubank returns with his second film.
guest spots, podcasts Elsewhere: Talkin’ RESERVOIR DOGS on The Movies You Love Podcast I take my talents to The Caribbean to guest-host G-Man’s show.
matineecast, podcasts Episode 108 – THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL Talkin’ THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL with Sam Fragoso. He and Ryan also field listener feedback on Wes Anderson casting and flip the record over to play the other side.
reviews THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL Wes Anderson returns with something sweet for audiences to delight in.
the watchlist Days of The Week (Films Watched Mar 8 – Mar 14) Finally getting a grip on the “quick-fix” that is Netflix Instant
links Everybody’s Talkin’ 3 – 14 (Chatter from Other Bloggers) It’s been a tough few, but thankfully I have good friends and good readers to get me through it.
thoughts & opinions Dear Lena Dunham… Your battle-cry would be better heard if you swung that axe you’re holding a little bit harder.
trailers A Hard Knock Life: ANNIE Trailer Is there perhaps one genre that lends itself to film remakes?
thoughts & opinions I Wanna Be The Minority: Thoughts on Contrarianism How to Lose The Point and Alienate People.
dvd doubleback BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOR Opening the door to a film that’s been travelling for almost one year, and sorting through all the baggage it has picked up.